
Yesterday was a day full of reorganizing for the 2389182738297th time since we've moved in the apartment. Our roommate is moving out, therefore taking some of his stuff with him, like the kitchen table which I showed you in the last post and a coffee table among some other trinkets. This only meant I had to some cleaning and put to use some of the plastic containers we had in storage, after all, we are leaving in about a month and a half too and while my husband doesn't mind the clutter, I can't stand it.

I thought it was going to be a matter of just moving things from one cardboard box to a plastic box with a lid.

Boy, was I wrong.

It went from this:

To this:

I ended up opening closets, packing winter clothes away, throwing away papers, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, washing dishes aaaaand doing laundry.

By the end of the day (i.e. when Patrick gets home from work) I was exhausted! and we still went to the commisary to do some grocery shopping, which we are so proud of since, for the first time, we managed to keep it a bit under a hundred dollars!!! We were thrilled! This is huge for us guys because we have paid as much as 350 dollars... just on groceries for the two of us... phew! but we did it!

And while I was walking into the store I saw this:

I am so entering the contest! We don't own neither a washer or a dryer, so this will look perfect in our new house, wherever that is after we move out of Kansas.

Oh! and our new and improvised coffee table. Patrick described it as... innovative, that's one word, I guess.

Until next time, guys.



Unknown said...

Interesting post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for posting.
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